When are you due: Sept. 9 2011 (Eric's 27th birthday!!) Most likely the TWINS will come in August tho, so we are kind of planning on that. Hopefully NO earlier than that.
How many weeks?: Currently 22 Weeks and 3 Days
Was this planned or unplanned: Unplanned/Planned?? We weren't really expecting to get pregnant, but we weren't really doing anything to prevent it either. :)
How much weight gained: As of today...18 LBS! I am slightly torn between bursting into tears when ever I step on the scale, and JUMPING for joy! Because me gaining weight means these little munchkins are GROWING!!
Latest food craving: Still craving MEXICAN. We had a girls night on Friday and we went to this amazing place called Abuelo's. And it was SO GOOD! I cant stop telling Eric that we REALLY need to go there!
Your top two name choices or baby's name: We have decided on names!! We have been discussing names since before we were pregnant. Our BOY: Maxon James Massey. And our GIRL: Bentley Massey. Yes we want our daughter to have a middle name, BUT we haven't decided on one yet. BUT at least we have first names picked! We LOVE both of the names!
Worst Thing about being pregnant: Not being as agile as before. It is seriously a chore for me to get in and out of bed . {And trust me it is A LOT, especially with potty breaks, and the fact that our bed is the ONLY piece of furniture to sit on in our apt at the moment.} Our bed is kind of high and I seriously am going to need a stool to step on before long.
Best Thing about being pregnant: Ok as of right now I LOVE being pregnant! It is such an amazing experience! Plus with twins I get to eat 600 calories more a day! {its actually really hard trying to eat that much more a day!} My hair is beautiful and lush and GROWING! My skin, for the most part, is amazingly clear! Getting to feel my babies move inside of me! There are just so many great things about being pregnant! {I suppose I feel this way because I didn't have hardly ANY morning sickness. Lucky ME!}
The first person you told was: Eric of course! He and I had equal parts in creating these babies! And plus I think he would be a little upset if I told anyone BUT him first!
Are you more scared or excited: Excited! There are times when I get overwhelmed, but never really SCARED. I guess the only thing I am really SCARED about {Besides preterm labor}, is LABOR itself. Ideally I would LOVE to be able to do this thing all natural. I have heard so many WONDERFUL stories of natural birthing. BUT there is one thing hindering my desire, 50% of TWINS are delivered by C-Section. Keeping this in mind, I am going to just continue to HOPE for the best, but whatever NEEDS to happen, I will be fine with, of course. It doesn't matter HOW these babies get here, as long as they do safely.
Happy or mostly moody: I think a good helping of both. Maybe not MOODY, more just emotional. I dont really get MAD about things. But I do break down and have a really good cry about once a week, usually I just start stressing about things, or my feelings will get hurt, or I get home sick. But otherwise I am pretty HAPPY!
You pee an estimated __ times a day?: Including night time potty runs... probably about 15-16 times a day. I HATE IT! At my last dr. appt they found out that I had a UTI, apparently I wasn't drinking enough water. So I have been really good about drinking my 8 glasses+ a day. And all of this pressure on my bladder makes it so I have to pee all the time. I know it is good to have this much water. And normally I drink more that that! But just knowing what will happen makes it horrible. :)
Weirdest dream you've had since pregnant?: I have an insane dream probably every other night. Just the weirdest, most life-like dreams! I cant remember any specific ones because there are SO many!
Will you breast feed: YES. I hope so. It will be a challenge for sure with two! But I really want to give it a shot and see how it goes.