SO those of you who dont know what Love Bugs are, [no not the cute VWs from the '60s] they are nasty little bugs that are in Florida. They were actually created to eat the mosquitos, but they dont. All they do is mate. Hence, LOVE bugs. So they just multiply and multiply and lay eggs, and they are EVERYWHERE, and you hit them with your car and so then they are all over your car. It is actually really disgusting.

So this is what they look like... not pretty. And this is a very realistic picture of what your car might look like after a day or so of driving around the Orlando area.

[obviously not OUR car] YUCK.
Anyway just thought I would share that little tid bit of information. :) NOW on to the good stuff!!
My beautiful Mother and very handsome brother Taylor came out to visit us (int he land of the love bugs) at the beginning of June! It was so much fun to have them here! We did tons of fun stuff! Poor Eric had to miss out on everything because he had to work.... boo. So mom and Tay got to go to one of my Dr. appts! It was not an ultrasound tho. BUT they did get to hear the heart beats! And watch me drink the nasty drink for the glucose test. I just guzzled that thing, and when I was finished my Dr. said "OH looks like someone has practice with chugging!"... ok super appropriate Dr. Balint... I promise I normally liked her. Anyway everything came back normal! We got to walk around Celebration!

I love and miss Celebration so much! There is not a whole lot I miss about Florida. Mainly just our wards, our friends, all of my Young Women, Celebration and 7/11s. Yep, thats about it. OH and the flea markets! My mom and I found some great finds at the flea market! Yay for finding old cheap furniture and refinishing it to make it yours and beautiful!

Drab dresser.....

Turned FAB. (I swear the lighting doesn't do it justice)
This is for Max and Kenley.

new sewing desk?! Ok fine talked me into it. (PS this is STILL a work in progress. Swear I will post pictures of the finished product as soon as I find time to finish it!) I also found some amazing chairs! We had to leave one chair behind in FL. BUT we got to bring one to Idaho with us! I will post a picture later. That one IS finished and we are using it in the babes room.
Taylor was only able to stay a couple days. And after he left is when mom and I really went crazy!! I swear we went to JoAnns at least everyday for 5 days. We had to just keep getting stuff! Luckily it was really close to where we lived. We found a lot of really cute fabric for blakents, carseat covers, and burp rags for the twins!

CUTE Covers! Oh thanks, I made them.
Also during this visit, my bestie Brittney teamed up with my mom to throw me a surprise BABY shower! WHAT?! How sweet of her! I LOVE HER!

I was SO surprised!!!!


SO happy to have SUCH good friends!

LOVE each of these women very much! and MISS them!

CHECK out that CAKE!!! Courtesy of Mrs. Cassie Casperson! Baker Extrordinare. We ate TONS of cake....

Played games! MOM won!!!

And played more games! Eric is on the phone making EVERYONE crack up!
All in all I would say it was an excellent trip and well worth the drive out {for them, not for me}.
Until next time blogging world... Adios Amigos!