
Domestic Goddess....

Thank you PINTEREST for making me into the Domestic Goddess I was meant to be.
Thank you for teaching me how to make delicious meals.
Thank you for teaching me how to sew, paint, and crochet.
Thank you for giving me sweet ideas for family pictures.
Thank you for giving me motivation to get my butt back in shape.
Thank you for entertaining me for hours on end.
Thank you for teaching me to be the best and most organized mommy in the world.
Thank you for teaching me how I should dress.
Thanks for all the great hair ides.
BUT, most of all, THANK YOU for making me feel like a Domestic Goddess, when I really have just been sitting on my iPhone app all day long. Thank you for making me feel productive!
Seriously you guys, I love pinterest! I think it is such an amazing thing!
Starting January 1, 2012, I will be doing a PINTERESTING thing each day!
And... get this... POSTING about it! Thats right! That means at least ONE blog for everyday in 2012! Wish me luck!
I hope you are as excited about this as me!


Woah! Got a little ahead of myself...

Hi. I obviously forgot to post the rest of my pregnancy pictures BEFORE telling you about my labor and delivery! I really need to get myself together... I apologize! :)
One thing I have forgotten to mention was the WONDERFUL SIAB (shower in a box) that my very best friend sent me! THANK YOU KOURTNEY TEW!!! BEST package EVER!
Please do not judge me, I had just gotten out of the shower, and it was like 95 degrees in Florida with 90% humidity! SWEAR I did not look horrible my entire pregnancy.
I was SO excited to open this package!!
SERIOUSLY have the BEST friends!!
{april, jessi, kourtney, sarah, rachel}
{dani, ashley, kristie, kate, becky, heather}
OK now for ALL of my prego pics! YOU will notice that as I get bigger, I didn't take as many pictures! ENJOY!
17 weeks!
18 weeks!
19 weeks!
20 weeks!
21 weeks
22 weeks
23 weeks

24 weeks
25 weeks

26 weeks
27 weeks
28 weeks
29 weeks
30 weeks
34 weeks
35 weeks... can you tell I am miserable yet?




SO after we got all moved into our CUTE new home... AKA my parents basement. We started our lives here in Pocatello, ID. Eric was working at Lithia Dodge, selling cars. I was at home growing bigger and bigger by the second and also becoming more miserable. I had developed a rash on my big belly called PUPPP {pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy} woof, it even sounds as horrible as it really was! Basically my tummy had stretched to maximum capacity! (OH PS I didn't get ANY stretch marks UNTIL I developed PUPPP at about 34 weeks.) And my skin was just so irritated from being stretched and it ITCHED like crazy! I could find NO relief. I would scratch and scratch and put lotion and different moisturizers and even resorted to putting a bag of ice on my belly! That was really the ONLY thing that worked. But it wasn't comfortable!
I will be completely honest.
I WAS MISERABLE the last 2 and a half weeks of my pregnancy. I even went into my Dr.'s office to tell him he needed to induce me because I was so uncomfortable. HA he basically scolded me and told me women do this everyday and that I need to suck it up and the longer the twins stayed inside of me the better. I felt like an idiot.
At 34 weeks I went in for an ultrasound and the tech said there was a large difference between the weights of the babies. Baby A (Maxson) was weighing around 4lbs 12 oz. And Baby B (Kenley) was weighing only 4lbs 2oz. My doctor was very concerned about the difference, and ordered another ultrasound at the hosipital, two steroid shots, and nonstress tests twice a week.
When I went in for my other ultrasound, the technician measured the weights only being 4oz apart.... SO I wasn't really worried after that. He said that each baby had an even flow of fluid and that they looked just fine. PHEW!
After that it was just nonstress tests and regular check ups...
Then I started having contractions a little more regularly... but only about 10 min apart for 2 hrs... then they would stop. Dr. said nothing to worry about. So that went on for about a week.... THEN when I was 36 weeks I went into LABOR.
Right before Eric and I headed to the HOSPITAL!
{not the best picture BUT you can see how massive I was}
I woke up around 3:00 am on August 8, 2011 with pretty strong contractions. They were coming about every 3 min. I went to the bathroom, got something to drink (thinking I was just dehydrated and needed to drink some H20), and layed down on the couch for a bit. But these contractions did not stop. And they kept getting stronger! So I decided that this might be the real thing. I brushed my teeth, got dressed, packed my hospital bag and then woke Eric up. He SHOT out of bed. He was so cute. He was trying to be calm, but he couldn't fool me. I knew he was anxious and nervous! We got in the car and he drove me to the hospital. I swear we hit every red light and every pot hole. He was trying to speed but it just wasn't possible! Everytime I had a contraction he would get this look of determination that said "I NEED TO GET HER THERE ASAP!" He takes care of me.
Anyway when we got to the hospital, we went to the Women's center. We parked the car and walked up to the door and it was locked. WHAT?? Yeah it was locked. Eric started freaking out trying to find a door that was open! Finally we found a maintenance door that was open and we rushed in. We made it to the Labor and Delivery floor and I told the nurse that I was in Labor. She just laughed and said well lets hook you up to the machine and we will check you out. I was in labor. I was dialated 2 centimeters! They did an ultrasound to dteremine the positions of the babies. Baby A was head down and low. and Baby B was... HEAD DOWN too?!! (she had always been transverse and breech during my last ultrasound) We now had the possibility of doing this thing vaginally!!! WooHoo!
We hung out til about 8:00am and my parents came up and the Doc checked me... 4 centimeters. I then decided it was time for an epidural. I am so thankful for modern medicine. The epidural took and I felt amazing. I was even able to get a couple minutes of sleep here and there. SO great. :) THEN the epidural began to wear off. I was checked again around 11 and I was 7 Centimeters. Dr. Cox then broke my water. After that my contractions were much stronger and closer together! And MUCH more painful especially after the epidural had worn off! I asked for another one! As soon as I got it we were ready to deliver! WAIT what?! This epidural has NOT taken YET!! And it never did. (this was the "I knew something had to go wrong! moment I mentioned before)
I was wheeled down to the OR (just incase) and I started pushing around 12:10pm. I will be honest, I was NOT prepared for the pain of labor at all. This was the worst of my life. Maybe if I had taken some classes or even mentally prepared myself for this I would have been ok. But I secretly thought the whole time I was going to have a C-Section... so why go to classes right?? Haha, I felt every contraction, every push, EVERYTHING. I pushed for about 40 min. And Eric was right there holding my hand and encouraging me the entire time! Later, he told me it was all he could do to stop from breaking down, he hated seeing me in so much pain!
Maxson James Massey was born at 12:51pm he was 5lbs 7oz and 18 1/2 inches and absolutely perfect!
A couple more pushes and out came little sister! Kenley Blake Massey was born at 1:02pm she was 5lbs even and 18 3/4 inches and SHE was absolutely perfect too! :)
They were then whisked away to the NICU as a precautionary step. They were there for about 2 hrs. That was when I was finally allowed to go down and see them! THOSE were the LONGEST 2 hours of my LIFE!

First family photo! Love these 3 more than anything in the world!

One day old!

Finally HOME! 3 days old! FIRST nap at home! :)
All in all it was a wonderful experience. Maybe not as planned, but honestly is it ever?! But it ended up being perfect. Couldn't be happier with my cute family!!

SO sorry....

Being HUGE and flying was NO picnic. I mean don't get me wrong, it was WAY better than driving 34 hrs across the country. I was almost 32 weeks along when I hopped on a plane from Orlando to Salt Lake City. I had a layover... somewhere. Werid I really cannot remember. BUT I know I had a lay over because I had to switch planes. And I know this because I had to sit by two different people.

SO when we booked my flight it was almost last minute, so we couldn't pick my exact seat. I ended up sitting in the middle... SO imagine me a little bit bigger than THIS.....

Coming to sit next to you on a flight... I don't know about you but I would be SO nice and respectful and if I had the aisle seat I would offer to switch!! I think that is what ANYONE would do. Right??? Well apparently I sat by the two rudest people in the world. Both of my flights I was stuck in the middle seat. My doctor told me to drink lots of water so that I would have to go to the bathroom so that I would have to get up and walk around at LEAST once an hr. if not more. I did warn said 'fellow flyers' about what they were going to endure during their flights. Unfortunatley neither of them realized what this really meant. Sorry Mr. Overallwearingjerk for waking you up probably 8 times so I could get out and go to the bathroom but I warned you. So sorry Ms. Ihavebeenpregnantbeforeandknowexactlywhatyouaregoingthrubutireallywanttositintheaisleseat for making you put your cross word puzzle down so I could get out. This could have been avoided if you would have just had some compassion and switched me seats.
I swear it wasn't AS bad as it sounds, but I am just amazed about how many people DID NOT care or help me or even move out of my way. I am sure I was just overreacting but I almost lost all hope in humanity after flying home. Almost.

Poor Eric had to drive all the way across the country all by himself!! That man is a trooper! He did it in 3 days, only stopped to pee and sleep and sometimes eat. He, my friends, is my HERO. I love that guy more than anything!

decisions... decisions...

The month of June was a busy busy one. Eric and just started a new job with a new company. And it wasn't what we thought it was going to be at all. We all know starting out a new company takes time and time was one luxury we did not have. We were living in a one bedroom apt., we had two pieces of furniture, I was pregnant with twins, and we were living paycheck to paycheck. Lets just say Florida was not the best thing financially for us. BUT we learned SO much about each other and about our family and about our marriage!
We decided that our best option was to move back to Idaho and live with my parents for a while. TWO huge blessings would come from making this decision... Eric had been looking for a job in Idaho for a long time. There was nothing. But after we prayerfully made the decision to move Eric got a job in Pocatello! Yay we had the means to move! Now we just needed to figure out how to get out of our lease! We had signed on for a year! But we were blessed enough that we were able to get out of our lease and only had to pay one more month of rent. And that was it! Luckily there was someone who was willing to move into our cute apt as soon as possible! Sweet! Next move.... SELL everything! We actually gave away our amazing bed. You guys, this bed was the most amazing bed I had ever slept on. We got it for such a great deal! But when it came down to the day before we were going to be leaving and no one had bought it from us, we decided just to give it away. We had a cute newly wed couple in our ward that needed a bed! So they came and picked it up. Sad day. Then we were able to sell our futon for twice what we bought it for! SWEET!
So the first blessing,... we were able to move across the country!
The second blessing is that we have SO much help with these two little ones now!
I believe God gives us what we need at the time we need it when we are doing all we can to live the best we can.
If it is trials we need, or blessings. I know He knows us better than we know ourselvese and He knows what we need. We may not see it at the time, but we always look back on situations and some how see things a little different.
PS in case you haven't noticed, I am just updating and making sure I blog about our lives the last couple months! I SWEAR I will get to these babies soon enough!


Visiting the land of LOVE BUGS.

SO those of you who dont know what Love Bugs are, [no not the cute VWs from the '60s] they are nasty little bugs that are in Florida. They were actually created to eat the mosquitos, but they dont. All they do is mate. Hence, LOVE bugs. So they just multiply and multiply and lay eggs, and they are EVERYWHERE, and you hit them with your car and so then they are all over your car. It is actually really disgusting.

So this is what they look like... not pretty. And this is a very realistic picture of what your car might look like after a day or so of driving around the Orlando area.

[obviously not OUR car] YUCK.

Anyway just thought I would share that little tid bit of information. :) NOW on to the good stuff!!
My beautiful Mother and very handsome brother Taylor came out to visit us (int he land of the love bugs) at the beginning of June! It was so much fun to have them here! We did tons of fun stuff! Poor Eric had to miss out on everything because he had to work.... boo. So mom and Tay got to go to one of my Dr. appts! It was not an ultrasound tho. BUT they did get to hear the heart beats! And watch me drink the nasty drink for the glucose test. I just guzzled that thing, and when I was finished my Dr. said "OH looks like someone has practice with chugging!"... ok super appropriate Dr. Balint... I promise I normally liked her. Anyway everything came back normal! We got to walk around Celebration!

I love and miss Celebration so much! There is not a whole lot I miss about Florida. Mainly just our wards, our friends, all of my Young Women, Celebration and 7/11s. Yep, thats about it. OH and the flea markets! My mom and I found some great finds at the flea market! Yay for finding old cheap furniture and refinishing it to make it yours and beautiful!

Drab dresser.....

Turned FAB. (I swear the lighting doesn't do it justice)
This is for Max and Kenley.

new sewing desk?! Ok fine talked me into it. (PS this is STILL a work in progress. Swear I will post pictures of the finished product as soon as I find time to finish it!) I also found some amazing chairs! We had to leave one chair behind in FL. BUT we got to bring one to Idaho with us! I will post a picture later. That one IS finished and we are using it in the babes room.

Taylor was only able to stay a couple days. And after he left is when mom and I really went crazy!! I swear we went to JoAnns at least everyday for 5 days. We had to just keep getting stuff! Luckily it was really close to where we lived. We found a lot of really cute fabric for blakents, carseat covers, and burp rags for the twins!

CUTE Covers! Oh thanks, I made them.

Also during this visit, my bestie Brittney teamed up with my mom to throw me a surprise BABY shower! WHAT?! How sweet of her! I LOVE HER!

I was SO surprised!!!!


SO happy to have SUCH good friends!

LOVE each of these women very much! and MISS them!

CHECK out that CAKE!!! Courtesy of Mrs. Cassie Casperson! Baker Extrordinare. We ate TONS of cake....

Played games! MOM won!!!

And played more games! Eric is on the phone making EVERYONE crack up!

All in all I would say it was an excellent trip and well worth the drive out {for them, not for me}.
Until next time blogging world... Adios Amigos!



Well my last post was in... May? Holy Moly where did the time go!? SO much has changed since then! I PROMISE I will get a really super good long post in ASAP with TONS of pictures. It might even be a little over board... but I mean, it is needed. ANY who, as soon as I get things uploaded I will update better, but for now.....
Here is a condensed version of our lives since May!!
.My mom and brother Taylor came out to Kissimmee to visit! It was so fun to have them here! We found cute fabric to make things for the babies and the flea market in Kissimmee is BOMB. Also they drove out a car for us to borrow! YAY for having two cars!
. We decided it would be best to move back to Pocatello! HA thanks for driving all the way out to FL mom and TAY!
. We packed ALL of our stuff (which you well know when I mean ALL of our stuff I mean our clothes, some decor, and thats about it. We sold our amazing bed and futon) into the Escape and our little Yaris. Eric drove across the country in the Escape while pulling the Yaris behind him! I was right around 32 weeks prego with TWINS and was too scared to drive across the country in case something happened! SO I had the luxury of flying home in one day!
.So we were officially Idaho citizens as of JULY 10th ish.
.August 11, 2011 best day of our lives! I had these cutie babies! I will save all the dets for another post! But lets just say my entire pregnancy was so perfect, I knew something had to go wrong! DONT worry, these little beans are as healthy as can be! Maxson James Massey was born at 12:51 PM he was 5lbs 7oz and 18 1/2 inches! Kenley Blake Massey was born at 1:02PM she was 5lbs even and 18 3/4 inches long! I cannot imagine my life without these little babes!
. Eric decided to leave his job (oh he got a job here at a car dealership, thats when we knew it was time for us to move back) at Dodge and got a job at Wells Fargo! He is on the management track! woot woot.
. Eric gets promoted!! Now he has to drive all the way out to American Falls, but it is only twenty min. and he is the only personal banker in his branch! AND he gets to speak lots of espanol.
. I have just been enjoying life as a stay at home mommy!
. Also I discovered pinterest.
. Also I run on diet coke.
OK short but sweet! I SWEAR someday soon there will be an update on each of these wonderful things that have happened to us!!